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Project Overview

Experience working on a Senior BA Design group project,
designing a non-profit organization focused on water sustainability. We were assigned to create an ocean sustainability company to increase environmental interest and to design a non-profit organization focused on leveraging calling intentions into organizational intentions within the field of water sustainability. Researched various related issues and suggested the topic of hydropower. From this, our team created a highly engaging brand concept, including a logo, website, museum exhibit, and more.


Two Months


Branding and Design

Research and Analysis

Project Management




Team Roles

Myself - Web Design and Logo

A. C. - Content Map Design

H. L. - Logo Design

L. L. - Ripple Effect Map

M. P. - Exhibit Mockup

The Problem:

The general public needs to learn more about ocean power gained from sustainability. There is a need to raise awareness for ocean sustainability.

The Solution:

We are Kaidro. Our goal is to get people educated, interested, and connected to ocean power technology, a sustainable energy source. We design the intention, strategy, and brand of a non-profit organization that engages in the field of water in small collaborative groups. We created a mockup brand and presentation that had a persuasive cause, raising awareness about our specific sustainability issue.



How can Kaidro educate and inspire our communities to support the development of sustainable ocean technology and energy?



Collaborative efforts, immersive experiences, and community involvement will be vital in cultivating enthusiasm and commitment to support the development of sustainable ocean technology and energy, ultimately driving progress toward a more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy landscape.



Kaidro faces the challenge of actively engaging and mobilizing communities to support sustainable ocean technology and energy development.



To address this, Kaidro must not only provide accessible and accurate information but also craft compelling narratives to inspire residents, policymakers, and stakeholders to champion these technologies.



This challenge arises because while the potential of harnessing ocean energy is vast, it remains an underutilized and often misunderstood resource.



With community buy-in and support, adopting and scaling sustainable ocean technology may be improved, improving progress toward a more sustainable and renewable energy future.


Energy is a natural occurrence from the movement of ocean waves and temperature variations on warm surfaces. Sustainable ocean technology holds great promise as a clean and renewable energy source derived from ocean waters' natural movements and temperature variations. However, its realization hinges on educating communities about its feasibility and benefits.

Design Process: Brainstorming Solutions

We worked as a team, meeting bi-weekly to brainstorm ideas and check in to ensure we were all on the right track and working uniformly. Each team member was assigned a different project piece, and mine was a website. Because of this, we wanted to ensure everyone was sticking to the same mission statement and visually using the same colors, fonts, elements, photos, and more. Meeting bi-weekly and sharing our work while also having the space to explain our process was beneficial. It was also constructive to have everyone else's advice and for us to give each other's advice to each other, along with design critiques. The brainstorming process involved using a web map. Moreover, we drafted what we wanted to accomplish on paper with words.

Desired Features:

  1. Content Map - A visual information map of all things related to sustainable sources of ocean power

  2. Brandmark - The company logo and style guide, to be used with consistency across all other projects

  3. Website - A site where users can learn more information and sign up for tickets at the Kaidro exhibit

  4. Exhibit - The museum exhibit details water buoys and educates the public through ocean visuals.

  5. Ripple Story - A global to the local-focused scale of the Kaidro mission statement and how it could impact the world.

Why we chose website format:

We chose the website because it made sense since we had a plan for a museum exhibit. Furthermore, it was more of an informative site for people to get tickets. There was no need for a mobile app, as the website can easily feature information.

Prototype/ Drafts

Final Design


01 Feature


We wanted something to represent waves and fluidity to represent the ocean's power and dynamic movement. I added yellow to the color palette to show energy or electricity. We used a photo of the ocean as the background to match our brand theme. The yellow ripple shape is related to the electric wave representing clean energy, which is the main topic of our project.

03 Feature


Our exhibit wanted an immersive experience for the visitors where they can interact with exhibits while feeling like they are in the ocean. Our branding is represented within the exhibit to help visitors tie the experience with the idea we stand for, gaining energy from water currents.

02 Feature

Content map

Explanation: This map shows the flow of information in the form of waves. Stuck to key points on Ocean Power’s potential, types, the key issues it addresses, and what the public can do to help it. Stayed with dark blues/greens and highlighted with the signature yellow to match consistency with our branding.

04 Feature


Explanation: The website has categories for users to read more information about ocean sustainable energy and to sign up for the Kaidro exhibit, along with an about us section explaining the brand's mission. At the footer is a link to social media sites, to allow for further engagement with the user.



Learned how to incorporate brand identity into a project - how to work with what fonts, colors, and images are chosen, portray information effectively, and collaborate creatively with others.

What we would improve:

Make a mobile app as an add-on to the website. Adds interactivity such as checking in with tickets, scanning for more information, social media sharing, and more.

Response / Impact

We made a thing, and it worked. Our goal is to get people educated, interested, and connected to ocean power technology, a sustainable energy source. Design a Leveraging calling intentions into organizational intentions.  Students design the intention, strategy, and brand of a non-profit organization that engages in the field of water in small collaborative groups. We created a mockup brand and presentation that had a persuasive cause. We raised awareness about our specific sustainability issue.

Final Design

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